Be Well


A World of Pain

I was sitting on a flight from Melbourne for my day job when I started noticing a pattern. It seemed to me that every second person getting up and down from their seat looked to be in genuine pain, holding their backs in particular, bent over double, grabbing onto seats to steady themselves. I also observed a diverse range of ages and cultures. Turns out I wasn’t imagining it. Chronic pain affects 3.4 million Australians with 68% of people living with chronic pain of working age. I feel fortunate to have experienced sustained pain only a couple of times in my life, but I still remember the experience being profoundly physically debilitating and emotionally diminishing. Not something I would want to have to have to endure for any length of time! All pain is not the same People experience pain in many different ways and pain can be acute or chronic: Acute pain is the pain you feel when you get hurt or injured. You may have experienced acute pain from an injury such as a cut or a broken limb or from disease or inflammation in the body. Acute pain can be intense and severe, but it typically resolves as your body heals from whatever caused it. Chronic pain is pain that lasts much longer―usually months and sometimes even years. Chronic pain sometimes has a clear cause, such as an acute injury, a long illness, or damage to and dysfunction of your nervous system. Sometimes it even happens without any obvious reason. Different kinds of pain have different causes: Nociceptive pain is pain caused by tissue damage. Most acute pain is nociceptive. Neuropathic pain is caused by nerve damage or dysfunction. You can experience neuropathic pain from injuries or illness that affect the spinal cord and brain (for example, a slipped disc in your spine) or the peripheral nervous system (the nerves throughout the rest of your body). This kind of pain often feels similar to burning, shooting, or stabbing. Inflammatory pain is pain that happens when your immune system activates in response to injury or infection. In addition to causing redness or swelling, it can also make you more sensitive to feelings of pain. How we experience pain We feel pain because our nervous system thinks that a part of our body is injured or in danger of getting injured (by accidentally touching a hot stove, for example). Pain is a normal sensory signal that something might be wrong and that you should do something about it. You don’t become aware of pain until your brain processes it. “Chronic pain has a tremendous personal and socioeconomic impact,” acknowledges a special issue published in the journal Medicines. The researchers go on to highlight the link between lifestyle factors and pain severity. “Inactivity, stress, poor sleep, unhealthy diet, and smoking are associated with chronic pain.” By addressing these aspects of our lives, we can potentially improve our pain management. While traditional treatments often focus on medication and specific therapies, a growing body of research suggests that lifestyle medicine can also be a powerful tool for managing chronic pain. So, how exactly can lifestyle medicine benefit those living with chronic pain? Here are some key areas: Diet and Nutrition: Research suggests that a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can play a significant role. A study published in Physio-pedia explores the concept of “food as medicine” for chronic low back pain, emphasizing the importance of proper nutrition. Studies have shown that certain foods can trigger inflammation, which can worsen pain. Conversely, a diet rich in anti-inflammatory foods like fruits, vegetables, and omega-3 fatty acids may help reduce pain and improve overall wellbeing. Exercise and Physical Activity: Somewhat counter-intuitively, regular exercise has been shown to be immensely helpful in managing chronic pain. The same Physio-pedia study mentions various exercise modalities, including conventional exercises, yoga, pilates, and tai chi, all of which can contribute to pain relief. Exercise helps to improve flexibility, strengthen muscles, and increase blood flow, all of which can contribute to a reduction in pain perception. Additionally, exercise is a well-known mood booster, and endorphins released during physical activity can help improve pain tolerance. Stress Management: Chronic pain and stress are intricately linked. Stress can exacerbate pain, and chronic pain can be a significant source of stress. Techniques like mindfulness meditation and even therapy can be remarkably effective in reducing stress and improving pain tolerance. A 2019 study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology found that mindfulness meditation was just as effective as medication in reducing chronic pain symptoms. Sleep: Disrupted sleep can worsen chronic pain, and chronic pain can make it difficult to get a good night’s sleep. Establishing good sleep hygiene practices, such as maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, creating a relaxing bedtime routine, and avoiding caffeine and alcohol before bed, can significantly improve sleep quality and potentially reduce pain perception. Lifestyle medicine is not a replacement for traditional treatments, but rather a complementary approach. By making some changes to our daily routines, we can empower ourselves to take charge of our chronic pain and experience a significant improvement and reclaim our quality of life. Our expert team at Be Well is here to help and complement your medical doctor or specialist. We have had a number of pain-busting breakthroughs by Be Well Members. See you soon at Be Well! Navigate to more articles! PrevPreviousLet’s Talk Blue Zones Be Well is the first-of-its- kind urban health, wellness and lifestyle club in Melbourne, Australia.  Informed by the science of longevity, Be Well nurtures the relationship you have with yourself and others, to optimise your lifestyle, and live your longest, best life.

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Let’s Talk Blue Zones

I have been fascinated, borderline obsessed, with ‘Blue Zones’ over the past few years. Blue Zones is a  term coined by explorer and author Dan Buettner – places and spaces around the world where citizens live longer, healthier, happier lives reaching over a 100years of age 😍 In 2004, Buettner joined forces with National Geographic and the National Institute of Aging to try to “reverse engineer” longevity. The team identified parts of the world where people were living measurably longer lives, then worked to find out why people in such communities lived longer.The five original blue zones are: Ikaria (Greece), Okinawa (Japan), Nicoya (Costa Rica), Sardinia (Italy) and Loma Linda (United States) Our near-neighbour, Singapore, is the very latest Blue Zone to be announced. Rather than a naturally occurring phenomenon based on centuries of a particular cultural diet and lifestyle, Singapore have quite intentionally engineered their way to a Blue Zone So how did Singapore do it? Buettner and his team identified the “Power 9” — core factors that represent the habits of the world’s healthiest and longest-living people. These nine principles are: moving naturally in everyday life; having purpose; keeping routines to de-stress; stop eating when 80% full; eating more plant-based foods; consuming alcohol moderately and regularly; being part of a community; keeping loved ones close; and being surrounded by people with healthy habits. Building on these principles, here is how Singapore has built preventive health habits into the policy environment for the long term health of their society. Walk don’t ride Singapore taxes cars, petrol and the use of roads and invests heavily in walking path, bike tracks and public transport. To buy a car in Singapore, you must first get a license to own a car, which can cost more than the car itself. Keep loved ones close Research shows that people in Blue Zones prioritize their loved ones and keep them nearby. Singapore’s Proximity Housing Grant financially incentivizes people to live with, or near their parents and children. As Dan Buettner observes: “Instead of warehousing old people in a retirement home, as we do in the United States, the older people in Singapore— they stay engaged with the family. More often, they get better care from the family, so this is all favoring the life expectancy of older people,” Meaning Belonging to a faith-based community of some kind can correlate with longer life-expectancy, the research found. To quote Dan again, “All but five of the 263 centenarians we interviewed belonged to some faith-based community, Research shows that attending faith-based services four times per month will add 4-14 years of life expectancy.” Almost 80% of adult Singaporeans are religiously affiliated, according to the Pew Research Center. Also, a 2014 Pew Research study ranked the city-state as the most religiously diverse country in the world. Make heathy easy Singapore has done well in making “healthy food cheaper and more accessible than junk food,” said Buettner. The country has created incentives for food establishments to provide healthier options such as brown rice and wholegrains. The Health Ministry has also created a labeling system that shows citizens which food stalls have healthier food options. Accessible health care Like Australians, Singaporeans enjoy universal health care which means residents have access to quality medical care, including health services such as prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and palliative care. The Singapore government has worked to create policies that subsidize health-care costs. Compliance Its one thing to know what to do, its another to actually do it. Singapore is known for its strict laws. The ban on chewing gum or the hefty fines for eating on public transportation are just a few interesting examples! Guns or drug offenses result in serious penalties. Overall, there is a culture of compliance to government directions, which are generally accepted as beneficial. Where Australia sits in this regard, I will leave to you to judge! Lifestyle medicine, the driving philosophy behind Be Well’s focus on health and longevity, is the premise of all the Blue Zones around the world. Singapore shows you can engineer this into the fabric of the way a modern society lives and works. I wonder what it would take for Hawthorn or Melbourne to be the first ‘Blue Zone’ in Australia? We need to rethink investment into a preventive health focused system in Australia to move us from ‘sickcare’ to ‘healthcare’ for ourselves, our children and future generations. Meanwhile at Be Well we’re already living inside the ‘Blue Zone! Here’s to living longer, healthier and happier. See you again soon at Be Well. Navigate to more articles! PrevPreviousHacking Sugar Be Well is the first-of-its- kind urban health, wellness and lifestyle club in Melbourne, Australia.  Informed by the science of longevity, Be Well nurtures the relationship you have with yourself and others, to optimise your lifestyle, and live your longest, best life.

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Hacking Sugar

Sugar. It’s hard right? We all love it. It’s in almost everything we eat now and also occurs naturally of course. Let’s take a step back for a minute. Glucose, the main type of blood sugar, is our body’s favourite source of energy. The main way we provide glucose to our bodies is by eating starches such as bread, pasta, and rice, and sugars from apples through to chocolate cake. Some glucose is great for our body but many of us are giving our bodies too much, which is causing cravings, chronic fatigue, brain fog, inflammation and more. Day to day, glucose is responsible for our energy spikes and crashes. It’s a vicious cycle that can dominate our entire day including our mood, concentration and energy levels. Oh, and it’s ageing us! Science can literally see it on our skin and in our bodies, the more spikes we have, the faster we age. Going cold turkey on anything is notoriously unsuccessful, so how do we get off the glucose rollercoaster without having to change absolutely everything that we love to eat and instead intentionally manage our glucose levels. I love the Glucose Goddess, Jessie Inchauspe – her books and podcasts are great. Here’s some of her sugar hacks which I can definitely live with! Hack 1: Swap your ‘sweet’ breakfast for a ‘savoury’ one. This one swap sets up your pattern for the rest of the day and means you will not be on the glucose rollercoaster looking for a muffin with your coffee by 10.30am. Replace the muesli, yoghurt, pastries, cereal, smoothies for breakfast with eggs, fish, tofu etc and a slice of sourdough toast instead to keep you glucose nice and steady. Exrta tip: If you really love your sweet breakfast-type food like I do, have it after lunch or dinner when you have had other food. It’s just as delicious! Hack 2: Start your meal with vegetables Researchers have discovered when you start your meal with vegetables these create a protective shield on the walls of your intestines and then slows down how fast the rest of your meal goes into your bloodstream. The French have raw vegetables at the beginning of their meal, the Mediterranean’s a salad, the Italians a vegetable soup. However at home and in our restaurants we often have bread at the beginning of the meal (a big glucose spike!) followed by our mains. 90 mins later when our glucose levels are about to crash the waiter pops up and asks if we’d like dessert. Bingo! So try a new order in the way you eat your meals: vegetables first, then protein, fats, and carbs #sugar last 👍🏻 Dietary tip: a shot of vinegar in big a glass of water before your main meal of the day slows down the glucose rush into your body and breaks down your carbs. Hack 3: Exercise to exorcise blood sugar When we are tired we look for more energy and reach for the glucose, even worse tiredness creates a bigger glucose spike in our bodies when we do eat! So if you missed a good nights sleep, eating that savoury breakfast and exercising is the fastest way to quickly re-regulate your glucose levels and reset your day. Exercise tip: As our muscles contract they are burning glucose so don’t starve yourself before exercise and eat your glucose before exercising. Hack 4: Carbs with, always Snacking secrets! Never eat carbs on their own or they will send you on that inevitable glucose spike, so put that avo or cheese on the toast, add nuts to that yoghurt. Snack tip: If the first  2 or 3 ngredients of any snack product are sugars of any kind, then treat it as dessert.   Hack 5: steady glucose, steady life Here’s an interesting experiment! Scientists recruited 200 couples and gave each a doll representing their partner. The scientists asked the couples to put a pin in the doll (!!) every time they were annoyed by their partner over a 2 week period. During the 2 weeks all the couples were attached to glucose monitors and the scientists found afterwards that when their glucose spiked was when the most pins went into the partner dolls. Ouch! Love tip: Less sugar, nicer partner? ;-)) So ditch the diets, calorie counting and low fat aka sugar filled stuff and try some of the hacks above. Become a food detective testing your body’s response to different food and the impact of glucose in all areas of your life. A large reason for the gap in healthspan and lifespan is that we are getting sicker as we age and what we are eating is a large part of this story. So have fun on the journey to becoming more aware, better educated and taking control of your blood sugers, and so your health and wellbeing. See you soon at Be Well! Navigate to more articles! PrevPreviousUnlocking Longevity Be Well is the first-of-its- kind urban health, wellness and lifestyle club in Melbourne, Australia.  Informed by the science of longevity, Be Well nurtures the relationship you have with yourself and others, to optimise your lifestyle, and live your longest, best life.

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Unlocking Longevity

David and I have a habit of watching and reading dozens of articles, newsletters and videos each week on health, wellbeing and longevity. Longevity science is advancing rapidly, ever since the idea that ageing is a disease that could be cured emerged around 20 years ago. While living longer sounds great, what is much more important is the quality of our lives, which depends on our healthspan – the number of years we are in good health. As the saying goes, a healthy person has a 1,000 wishes; a sick person only has one. The winners in the game of ageing are those who experience a brief period of ill-health before they die, rather than suffering ill-health for 10 or 15 years, or even more, before shuffling off this mortal coil  In the jargon, its about minimising the gap between  healthspan and lifespan. This is exactly what we aim to help Members achieve at Be Well, with our evidenced and carefully curated Fitness, Recovery and Preventative Health Care services, curated in Well Ontrack, a personalised health and lifestyle program; together with a  a warm, connected community. Here are some of the latest, interesting developments and treatments being explored in longevity: Targeting the Biology of Aging Scientists are now able to measure biological age in contrast to our chronological age, Simply put, biological age is the rate at which you’re aging physically, whereas your chronological age is simply the number of birthdays you’ve had. It’s sadly not uncommon for people to have a biological age that is a decade or more higher than their chronological age. Conversely, there are many people whose bodies are much younger than they are! Emerging Therapies The Longevity Revolution has opened the door to interventions that slow or reverse the fundamental processes of ageing. Cutting-edge experimental treatments are being explored, such as young plasma transfusions, senolytic drugs to clear aged cells, and gene therapies targeting longevity pathways.. The quest to extend healthspan is gaining momentum, combining insights from long-lived populations with the latest biomedical research. While radical life extension remains elusive, practical steps informed by longevity science could help more people live better for longer. Clinical Trials There are many promising longevity treatments currently in clinical trials. Here are some notable ones. NB* These are Not recommendations; aka don’t try these at home unless prescribed by a medical doctor/specialist! Metformin Metformin, a widely used diabetes drug, is being tested for its potential anti-ageing effects. A large clinical trial called TAME (Targeting Aging with Metformin) is underway to assess if metformin can delay the onset of age-related diseases and extend healthspan. Metformin has shown lifespan-extending effects in animal studies and observational data suggests it may promote longevity in humans. Senolytics Senolytic drugs, which selectively remove aged, dysfunctional senescent cells from the body, are being tested for their ability to treat age-related diseases and potentially extend healthspan. Clinical trials are evaluating senolytics like fisetin, dasatinib, and quercetin for conditions like chronic kidney disease, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, and COVID-19 complications. NAD+ Boosters Compounds that increase levels of the co-enzyme NAD+, which declines with age, are in clinical trials. Nicotinamide riboside (NR) and nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) supplements are being tested for their effects on inflammation, muscle recovery, and vascular function in the elderly. Rapamycin The FDA-approved drug rapamycin, used to prevent organ transplant rejection, is being explored for its potential anti-aging effects based on its ability to inhibit the mTOR pathway involved in ageing. Trials are evaluating low-dose rapamycin for conditions like Alzheimer’s disease and COVID-19. Young Plasma Proteins Companies like Alkahest are conducting trials of plasma fractions from young blood that may contain rejuvenating factors. Their drug AKST4290 is being tested for age-related macular degeneration, Parkinson’s disease, and other age-related conditions. While these are still early days, the clinical trials underway provide hope that treatments targeting fundamental aging processes could delay the onset of multiple age-related diseases and extend healthy lifespan. Lifestyle Interventions Supplements are supplementary. They can assist as a top-up, as cream on the cake. The cake itself is made by lifestyle: eating a plant-based diet, regular exercise (resistance, cardio, flexibility), sun exposure, managing stress, cultivating social connections, and maintaining a sense of purpose.. Communities like the Blue Zones, where people live extraordinarily long healthy lives, exemplify these principles in action. We’ll keep a watching brief on trials and breakthroughs for you. Happily, though, our lifestyle is our best medicine, so we don’t need to wait for scientific breakthroughs to extend our healthspan. See you soon at Be Well! Navigate to more articles! PrevPreviousHow We Feel Be Well is the first-of-its- kind urban health, wellness and lifestyle club in Melbourne, Australia.  Informed by the science of longevity, Be Well nurtures the relationship you have with yourself and others, to optimise your lifestyle, and live your longest, best life.

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Be Well Hawthorn

How We Feel

As humans, we’re emotional creatures. Our emotions influence the decisions we make, the career path we take, the films and music we enjoy, the art we’re drawn to. Emotions help us choose our friends, those whom we fall in love and stay with…and how well we look after ourselves. Yes, emotions have power. Emotional intelligence is the ability to harness that power–to understand and manage emotions, so that we make decisions that are in harmony with our core values and principles. I recently started using an app called How We Feel. Created by a scientific non-profit in 2020, their first app was a free survey that let anyone self-report COVID-19 symptoms and anonymously share the data with scientists and doctors. This has now evolved into a the How We Feel app, a free journal for wellbeing created by scientists, designers, engineers, and psychologists. Over time, you learn precise words to describe how you feel, spot trends and patterns, and practice simple strategies to regulate your emotions in healthy ways. How We Feel is a really beautiful app, as you might expect from a product team led by Ben Silbermann, co-founder of Pinterest. The team includes current and former Pinterest employees who are passionate about creating a more emotionally healthy world. The scientific team is led by Dr. Marc Brackett from the Yale University Center for Emotional Intelligence. You can also join with family and friends and set up your own closed group. I log in once a day and was amazed at the end of the first few weeks reading my analytics. I think I am pretty self aware/high EQ but I learned a lot about myself and my emotional state at given times of the day. We are all much more aware about mental health and its impact on our lives, families and colleagues, yet still too much stigma exists for too many people. Maybe sharing more everyday information about how we are feeling, or our mind health as I like to call it, will normalise our emotions and feelings as they relate to ourselves and others. A psychologist friend from New Zealand recently shared ways Maori people approach mental health and wellness. Instead of being purely about the mind, the Maori model of mental health recognises the connection of mental wellbeing to the physical, spiritual and relational aspects that support wellbeing on a whole. The model was developed in the 1980’s by a Maori psychiatrist, Sir Mason Durie. Its called Te Whare Tapa Wha. There is also a Maori term, ‘tangata whaiora’, used to describe people who are experiencing distress. Tangata whaiora literally translates to ‘a person seeking wellness’. I think this is a beautiful way to reduce the stigma attached to mental distress and instead highlights that we’re all looking for wellness in some way, shape or form. May we collectively be the people seeking wellness. Navigate to more articles! PrevPreviousFrom Day One to Year One at Be Well Be Well is the first-of-its- kind urban health, wellness and lifestyle club in Melbourne, Australia.  Informed by the science of longevity, Be Well nurtures the relationship you have with yourself and others, to optimise your lifestyle, and live your longest, best life.

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Be Well Hawthorn

From Day One to Year One at Be Well

Even though we all have the most incredible Be Well Health Club on hand, life gets in the way. Work can overtake our allocated time for health and fitness, travel can make it hard to get back into our former routine, family commitments take precedence. I know this all too well! So I regularly remind myself of the physical and mental benefits I am gaining and banking when I prioritise my health, fitness and wellbeing daily or even just 3 times a week. This week I dipped into some of the inspiring science about what happens from Day 1 to One Month to a Year On when we keep showing up for ourselves, and our bodies! From Day 1 The moment you start exercising your body begins complex processes to rebuild its fitness and, while change is slow, it’s continuous and worth staying the course for the long haul. Your resting metabolic rate increases after exercise. Your body consumes more energy for muscle repair, therefore burning more calories when not exercising, and ironically, rather than making you hungrier, over time exercise reduces your appetite. Sleep improves as your body repairs overnight and improves fluid distribution and the important added protein synthesis to build more muscle fibres. After only a week the mood-boosting powers of exercise kick in with the brain releasing endorphins, those wonderful feel-good hormones. It’s why some people eventually develop a need, and even craving, to exercise regularly. After a Month After just four weeks of 2 or 3 visits a week to Be Well, you will notice improvements to your strength and fitness, standing straighter and walking a bit faster. Recovery after exercise speeds up, thanks to the nervous system learning how to more efficiently contract your muscles. On a cellular level, mitochondria – those mini power plants that produce energy – multiply, meaning that your body produces more energy. You might notice you’re sweating more when exercising. That’s because your body has become better at regulating its temperature. Your body is more sensitive to the need to remove heat, and as you get more physically fit, you are working harder and therefore producing more heat. After a Year Those improvements you saw to your strength and fitness after the first month will increase significantly. You should also feel more flexible, agile, and have improved posture, with less back and joint pain. Whether or not it’s one of your goals, you’ll probably see changes to your physical appearance, be it your body weight or muscle mass. Your body’s physical changes – a stronger heart, bones and muscles – play a key role in reducing your risk of developing serious health conditions, including heart disease, type two diabetes, cancer and obesity. Generally, you will likely be feeling happier than you did a year ago. Research shows people who work out even once a week tend to be more cheerful than those who never exercise and those who work out regularly experience fewer symptoms of depression and anxiety. After nearly two years at Be Well, we have seen the evidence of Day One to Year One and beyond in many of our Members, as they gain a new level of fitness, health and wellbeing. Of course, rapid recovery is privileged alongside personalized fitness at Be Well. So make the most of having everything all under one roof, never having to drive from place to place again for the rest of your life 😅! Double down on extending your healthspan and get your fill of: hot/cold therapeutic baths; normatec compression; remedial and lymphatic massages; infrared saunas;  with red light therapy built in; and, state of the art hydroxy airpod. See you at Be Well again soon! Navigate to more articles! PrevPreviousIlluminate Your Inner Journey with Lucia Light Therapy at Be Well Be Well is the first-of-its- kind urban health, wellness and lifestyle club in Melbourne, Australia.  Informed by the science of longevity, Be Well nurtures the relationship you have with yourself and others, to optimise your lifestyle, and live your longest, best life.

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Be Well Hawthorn

Illuminate Your Inner Journey with Lucia Light Therapy at Be Well

Have you ever wondered what it would feel like if wellness and wonder came together? Imagine stepping into a realm where your mind is free, your body is at ease, and your spirit is lifted. At Urban Health Retreat Be Well, this vision becomes a reality with Lucia Light Therapy. So, what exactly is Lucia Light Therapy?  It’s a transformative experience that taps into the power of light to activate your inner light. The Lucia N°03, crafted by clinical psychologists and neurologists Dr. Englebert Winkler and Dr. Dirk Proeckl, stands at the forefront of light therapy tools worldwide. Its medical-grade engineering and precision assembly ensure an unparalleled journey into your subconscious. But how does it work? It’s simple yet profound. The wide spectrum solid and flickering light of the Lucia N°03 enters your body through closed eyes, traveling along your optic nerve and into the central brain. This journey ignites a cascade of responses within you. As the light permeates through your cells, your nervous system responds, shifting from beta-dominance to alpha-theta frequencies. This transition induces deep relaxation, activating neural networks and chemicals that facilitate creativity, clarity, and a sense of wonder. You’re no longer just a passive observer; you become an active participant in your own journey. Picture this: as you immerse yourself in the experience, colors, shapes, and patterns dance behind your closed eyelids, unveiling a kaleidoscope of light. Your mind drifts, thoughts fade, and you’re guided by your breath and the accompanying music through a landscape of inner exploration. A Catalyst for Profound Shifts Within But Lucia Light Therapy is more than just a visual spectacle. It’s a catalyst for profound shifts within. With each session, you downregulate your nervous system, inviting in clarity, creativity, and compassion. You learn to respond to life with grace, reaching your highest potential. Moreover, Lucia Light opens the door to hypnagogia, the magical space between wakefulness and sleep. Here, you can experience deep relaxation, cosmic journeying, lucid dreaming, creative visioning, and manifestation. It’s a space where possibilities are limitless and the boundaries between reality and imagination blur. The reported benefits of Lucia Light Therapy are vast and varied: from increased intuition and access to flow states, to pineal gland activation and nervous system recalibration. Each session is a unique journey, offering visionary exploration and healing on multiple levels. At Be Well, we invite you to embark on your inner journey with Lucia Light Therapy. Let the light guide you to a place of inner peace, creativity, and exultation. Step into the wonder of your own being and discover the transformative power of light. Are you ready to illuminate your path to wellness? Join us at Urban Health Retreat Be Well and experience the magic of Lucia Light Therapy for yourself. Your journey awaits. Booking Details Coming Soon Navigate to more articles! PrevPreviousBe Well: Revolutionising Fitness with Styku 3D Body Scanner Be Well is the first-of-its- kind urban health, wellness and lifestyle club in Melbourne, Australia.  Informed by the science of longevity, Be Well nurtures the relationship you have with yourself and others, to optimise your lifestyle, and live your longest, best life.

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Stepping on Styku 3D Body Scanner|Be Well

Be Well: Revolutionising Fitness with Styku 3D Body Scanner

In today’s fitness landscape, achieving your health and wellness goals often requires a multifaceted approach. From monitoring your diet to finding the right workout routine, every aspect plays a crucial role in your journey to a healthier lifestyle. However, one key element that is often overlooked is understanding your body composition accurately. This is where the Be Well Styku Body Scanner comes into play, revolutionising the way we perceive fitness and wellness. Understanding Styku 3D Body Scanner: Styku Body Scanner is not just a tool; it’s a technological marvel designed to provide precise and comprehensive insights into your body composition. Using advanced imaging technology, Styku creates a 3D model of your body, capturing even the slightest nuances with exceptional accuracy. Gone are the days of relying on rudimentary measurements or vague estimations – Styku brings precision to the forefront of your fitness journey. How Does Styku Work? The magic of Styku lies in its sophisticated yet user-friendly approach. Here’s how it works: Scan Preparation:  It’s important to wear tight fitting clothes, or your underwear, to obtain the most accuracy from your 3D scan.  To begin, simply step onto the Styku platform and stand still for a few moments. The scanner does the rest, requiring no invasive procedures or uncomfortable measurements. 3D Imaging: Utilising state-of-the-art imaging technology, Styku swiftly captures a detailed 3D model of your body. Every curve, contour, and dimension is meticulously recorded, providing a holistic view of your physique. Analysis and Insights: Once the scanning process is complete, Styku generates a comprehensive report detailing various aspects of your body composition. From body fat percentage and muscle mass distribution to posture analysis and circumference measurements, the insights provided by Styku are invaluable for tailoring your fitness regimen to your unique needs. Progress Tracking: Beyond just a one-time assessment, Styku allows you to track your progress over time. By comparing subsequent scans during your WellonTrack physiotherapist appointments, , you can visualise the changes in your body composition, empowering you to make informed decisions and adjustments to your fitness routine. Benefits of Styku Body Scanner: The benefits of Styku Body Scanner extend far beyond its technical capabilities. Here are just a few reasons why it has become a game-changer in the world of fitness and wellness: Precision and Accuracy: With its advanced imaging technology, Styku delivers unparalleled precision, ensuring that you have an accurate understanding of your body composition. Personalised Wellness & Fitness Plans: Armed with detailed insights from Styku, our Be Well physiotherapist can tailor your Wellon Track workout and recovery plans specifically to your body’s needs, maximising effectiveness and efficiency. Motivation and Accountability: Seeing tangible progress through visual representations of your body composition can be incredibly motivating. Styku keeps you accountable and incentivises you to stay committed to your fitness goals. Holistic Approach: By considering various aspects of your body composition, including posture and muscle symmetry, Styku promotes a holistic approach to health and wellness, addressing underlying issues that may impact your overall fitness. Book your Private Tour: At Be Well, we believe that precision and personalisation are paramount to achieving fitness goals, and your Styku Body Scanner emerges as a beacon of motivation.. By providing comprehensive insights into your body composition with unmatched accuracy, Styku empowers you to take control of your wellness journey like never before. Whether you’re a couch potato, or fitness enthusiast, or simply someone striving for a healthier lifestyle, Styku and Be Well is your trusted companion in the pursuit of wellness. Book a private tour Navigate to more articles! PrevPreviousAre you in the 20%? Be Well is the first-of-its- kind urban health, wellness and lifestyle club in Melbourne, Australia.  Informed by the science of longevity, Be Well nurtures the relationship you have with yourself and others, to optimise your lifestyle, and live your longest, best life.

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Stay Strong with Be Well Hawthorn: Join the 20%

Are you in the 20%?

It’s three months since 1 January. when many of us committed or recommitted to getting healthy and well for 2024! I went on my month-long annual detox program which has extended nicely beyond January, with a few stop/starts due to some family events and special occasions along the way! A Forbes Health/One Poll survey found that the average resolution lasts 3.74 months, which is much better than doing nothing. However, according to recent research undertaken by Stockholm University, only 19% of people stick to their resolutions after 2 years. So what’s different about Be Well, where most of our Members are going strong a year or two later? Well, three things, at least! All Under One Roof The most boring thing about gyms, is that they are, well boring! And dark and testosterone factories ++. Sure, many are adding recovery like saunas etc but they are not purpose built with a Member journey, mission and outcomes front of mind. At Be Well there are many paths and adventures to take with our carefully curated equipment, classes and allied health services. There’s just no time to get bored! Getting started properly Our expert team and senior Physiotherapist provide a professional assessment and a clear plan before you begin at Be Well with a review every 3 months to coach, support, adjust and celebrate the gains! Community, community, community. A Be Well Member said to me the other day,’I come to Be Well sometimes and forget to do all the things I meant to because I just love meeting and talking to other members and team here’. Our community of like-minded people, Be Well Conversations with guest and experts, diverse classes and more have built an incredible community. We firmly believe we all do better together. How to stay in the special 20%, and not end up in the quitting 80% Even though we all have the most incredible Be Well Health Club on hand, life gets in the way. Work can overtake our allocated time for health and fitness, travel can make it hard to get back into our former routine, family commitments take precedence. I know, I know all too well! There are three proven ways to help us stay the course that definitely work for me: A 3-month goal Plan/schedule a week or so ahead, towards that goal Buddy up – make a commitment to/ with someone else. So stay the course, you special 20%ers, we’ve got your back at Be Well! Navigate to more articles! PrevPreviousBoosting Your Health: The Benefits of Lymphatic Drainage Massage NextBe Well: Revolutionising Fitness with Styku 3D Body ScannerNext Be Well is the first-of-its- kind urban health, wellness and lifestyle club in Melbourne, Australia.  Informed by the science of longevity, Be Well nurtures the relationship you have with yourself and others, to optimise your lifestyle, and live your longest, best life.

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Lymphtic Draining Massage | Be Well Hawthorn

Boosting Your Health: The Benefits of Lymphatic Drainage Massage

Introduction: Understanding How to Feel Better We are noticing an increasing number of members expressing curiosity about lymphatic drainage massage, and a growing demand for this healing service from Megan, Be Well’s remedial massage therapist..   Because everyone who lives, breathes and eats, and  as the world is filled with stress, toxins and environmental pollutants, lymphatic drainage massage can be a valuable tool for promoting overall health and wellness. Manual lymphatic drainage is a specialised massage technique designed to stimulate the flow of lymph fluid and remove blockages within the lymphatic system. Using gentle, rhythmic movements, trained therapists apply light pressure to specific areas of the body, encouraging the lymphatic vessels to transport lymph fluid more efficiently. This gentle, non-invasive therapy can have profound effects on the body’s ability to detoxify, heal, and regenerate. But what exactly is it, and who can benefit from it? Explaining Lymphatic Drainage Massage: A Special Massage for Feeling Better Lymphatic drainage massage is a special kind of massage that helps to move fluid around our bodies better. It’s gentle and done by a trained therapist, like Megan at Be Well,  who uses light pressure to help your body get rid of toxins and feel healthier. This kind of massage can make a big difference in how you feel and how well your body works. Spotting Signs of Trouble: Listening to What Our Bodies Tell Us Our bodies give us clues when something isn’t quite right. Signs like swollen body parts, tummy troubles, allergies, sore spots in our neck or armpits, stiff joints, and feeling tired all the time can mean our lymphatic system needs a little help. Paying attention to these signs helps us take care of our bodies better. Finding Out What Causes Problems: Understanding Why We Feel Off There are lots of reasons why our lymphatic system might not be working its best. Sitting for a long time, getting an injury,  not moving enough, wearing tight clothes, having surgeries that affect our lymph system, getting sick a lot, and being around harmful toxins can all mess with how well our bodies work. Knowing what these things are helps us avoid them or find ways to deal with them. Enjoying the Benefits: Feeling Better With Lymphatic Drainage Massage Getting lymphatic drainage massage can help us feel a lot better. It boosts our immune system, helps with pain and swelling, and makes us feel more energetic. Whether we have ongoing health issues or just want to feel our best every day, this kind of massage can be a real game-changer for our health. Conclusion: Taking Steps Toward Feeling Great In a world where there’s a lot that can make us feel not-so-great, it’s important to find ways to help our bodies stay healthy and happy. Lymphatic drainage massage is one of those ways. By giving our bodies a little extra help in getting rid of toxins, we can feel better, stronger, and more alive every day. It’s a simple but powerful way to invest in our health and well-being. Secure your spot now for a rejuvenating lymphatic drainage massage with Megan at Be Well. Book Now Navigate to more articles! PrevPreviousWomen are not small men NextAre you in the 20%?Next Be Well is the first-of-its- kind urban health, wellness and lifestyle club in Melbourne, Australia.  Informed by the science of longevity, Be Well nurtures the relationship you have with yourself and others, to optimise your lifestyle, and live your longest, best life.

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